According to Officer Steven Beard from the Michigan State University Police, there is protocol for policemen, and as for the
rest of faculty, it is on their discretion on whether or not they want to
attend information sessions or check the Website.
is not a set thing they have to go to,” Beard said. “It’s personal
responsibility to get the knowledge they want.”
Schertzing, academic specialist within the MSU School of Criminal Justice, said
now being Michigan State Police about 12 years ago, he has noticed the
major improvement of communication and that it will help keep people safe in
the long run.
“So many people are connected now,” Schertzing said. “This will help make sure people are getting accurate information rather than seeing it through social media.”
“So many people are connected now,” Schertzing said. “This will help make sure people are getting accurate information rather than seeing it through social media.”
Beard said there are several ways of instant communication to students, workers and faculty such as alerts in text messages and phone calls, a message with instructions on the MSU home page Website, and audible messages through the CodeBlue SpeakerSystem in the residence halls.
Beard also said if there was a shooting, call the police and then hide in a enclosed room with the doors and windows locked.